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IniestaDate: Fr, 2013 Jul 19, 4:07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
1. Nickname:A.Iniesta.
2. Your real name? Adrian.
3. Age: 18.
4. Country/city in which you live in: Romania - Bucharest.
5. Family status:Mother,Father,Brother,Not married.
6. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes.
7. Whats your play style? Defense.
8. Are you heterosexual? No.
9. Are you religious? If yes what religion and why? No.
10. Other games that you play: Just SA:MP.
11. Do you use headphones or speakers when playing games? Headphones.
12. What is your favorite alcohol? Beer :D.
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left: I'd never was in any clan before.
14. Are you addicted to anything. Smoking, drinking etc? Yea, but i just drink beer , i hate smoking.
15. Cats or dogs? Dogs.
16. What are polymers made of? is a large molecule composed of many repeated subunits, known as monomers.
17. Do you have access to a redtube account? No
18. Name all the languages that you speak: English,Romanian.
19. What have you accomplished in your life? I made money and i bought my own car biggrin
20. Do you have a Dynamic IP? No.
21. What do you think of [cH]? Nice clan , nice members :D.
22. What is the name of the blind guy featuring in GTA San Andreas? Woozie.
23. Why you want to join our team? To make it stronger.
24. Did Hitler do anything wrong? yeah , everything
25. Whats your favorite pornstar? No one.
26. What is the name of the guy on 500Litas banknote? Vincas Kudirka.
27. What is the first rule of Fight Club? Don't talk about Fight Club.
28. Are you racist? No.
29. What does AK-47 stand for? Killing.
30. Can you supply us with erotic pictures of your mom? No.
31. Are you a quick learner? Yes.
32. Whats your favorite weapon in SA-MP? Shotgun.
33. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one? Yes.
34. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through ventrilo? No.
35. What is terminal velocity? The terminal velocity of a falling object is the velocity of the object when the sum of the drag force (Fd) and buoyancy equals the downward force of gravity (FG) acting on the object. Since the net force on the object is zero, the object has zero
36. How can you be useful to us? Helping team ...
37. What sort of music genre is your favorite? DubStep.
38. Who is your idol? No one.
39. 2+2*2=? 6.
40. Where is Teflon used in industry? Kitchen.
41. How did you find out about cH? On uL.
42. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games? No , never.
43. What kind of mods have you got installed in sa-mp at this moment? ALl Default.
44. Name people you know that are or were in our team: No one.
45. What happens to a cow when you give it antibiotics? Die.
46. Are you okay with dedicating 1-2 hours per week for training sessions? Why not?
47. What time is most convenient for you to do training sessions? 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
48. Contact's [xFire,Steam ID]: ainiesta[xfire].
49. Your ESL Profile: I haven't.
50. Skills on a scale to 10: 8

•Video Editing: 8

•Programming: 8

•Graphics design: 8

•Audio editing: 8

51. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done: -
52. Full Specification of your computer: CPU:Q9550 , 8GB OF RAM , GCPU : GTX 760 2 GB.
53. Extra note[Your last chance to plead]: I really want to join this clan :D.
zofiDate: Fr, 2013 Jul 19, 4:27 PM | Message # 2
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote (Iniesta)
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left: I'd never was in any clan before.

welcome Iniesta to cH forums
good to see in teamspeak with us,nice game today, keep it up man

IniestaDate: Fr, 2013 Jul 19, 6:37 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Thanks man , i'm glad to be in cH but today wasn't my best form cuz i got a problem... i will be better next time biggrin
vanesDate: Fr, 2013 Jul 19, 9:56 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
RiwDate: Sa, 2013 Jul 20, 0:26 AM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Status: Offline
Quote (Iniesta)
21. What do you think of [cH]? Nice clan , nice members :D.

Thats all?
Quote (Iniesta)
29. What does AK-47 stand for? Killing.

So its A Killing 47? I don't agree.

Quote (Iniesta)
36. How can you be useful to us? Helping team ...

Helping in what? Which brings me to my next question,
Quote (Iniesta)
•Video Editing: 8

•Programming: 8

•Graphics design: 8

•Audio editing: 8

That's blasphemous, that's complete bullshit. May I ask a question what are you programming? Since I'm programming C++, PHP, CSS, HTML for quite some time now and I can't rate myself 4 or above. Also is it a strange coincidence that you have no links to your scripts, videos? I think not.

Quote (Iniesta)
53. Extra note[Your last chance to plead]: I really want to join this clan :D.

Once again, few words don't do justice for last notes and last notes are key to a successful joining application. Overall the application is 6.5/10
Not supporting until you correct everything.
[cH]vodkaDate: We, 2013 Jul 24, 1:13 PM | Message # 6
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline

Message edited by [cH]vodka - Th, 2013 Jul 25, 12:38 PM
DzymkaDate: Th, 2013 Jul 25, 10:48 AM | Message # 7
ex Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 184
Status: Offline
zofiDate: Tu, 2013 Jul 30, 8:31 PM | Message # 8
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Hello A.Iniesta,

a bit disapointed, seems like u disapeared, better try next time, best luck in future, take care, pce gangsta!

Nothing personal


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