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cH application
zacKDate: Tu, 2018 Aug 21, 11:31 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Nickname, ex-nickname: zacK
2. Your real name? Zac
3. Age, birthday date: 20
4. Country/city in which you live in: USA/Washington

5. Whats your play style? I'm a guy that plays more with using tactics then just rushing
6. Games that you play: LoL , SA:MP
7. Do you use headphones or speakers when playing games? Yes
8. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left: Never been in a clan before

9. Name all the languages that you speak: English
10. Do you have a Dynamic IP? No
11. What do you think of [cH]? I respect this clan because it got a lot of friendly players and old players aswell that are legends himself in this game so I think cH is really professional clan
12. Favorite game where u most experienced at this: SA:MP is my fav

13. Why you want to join our team? I want to try my skills and prove that I can be an cH member aswell.
14. Did Hitler do anything wrong? He didn't
15. What does AK-47 stand for? Michailas Kalašnikovas
16. Are you a quick learner? Yes

17. How long did u use steam: 1 year
18. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one? Yes

19. How can you be useful to us? I can be useful and helpful at tcw's and cw's I'm very friendly and calm person that doesn't rage .
20. How did you find out about cH? I have seen your videos on youtube and I was just impressed by your teamwork and the way you just play this game I loved it !
21. Name people you know that are or were in our team: [cH]Cenaze , [cH]zofija , [cH]HADES , [cH]Cessill

22. Contact's [Steam ID]:
23. Your Steam Profile:

24. Skills on a scale to 10:

Video Editing: 8/10
Programming: 6/10
Graphics design: 8/10
Audio editing: 5/10

25. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done: I haven't done any yet.
26. Full Specification of your computer: Intel Core i3-4170CPU 3.70GHz , 4 GB ram

27. Extra note [Your last chance to plead]: I'm just very thankful that I applied for this clan and I'm very excited to see you all guys in-game
FrozeNDate: Su, 2018 Aug 26, 3:20 PM | Message # 2
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline
Welcome to cH forum Zack,

First of all, you didin't wrote your steam ID and your contacts, do it, find steam cH group and add members to your friends list, say hello to some of them, play some games, make a name for ya,


didin't saw you on our discord channel, make sure you're join our discord channel and where you can find most of our clan members , there you can contact any of us if you need any help or anything else

You wrote your editing skills all above average, show us some of your work here or create new topic in forums where it should be

For now that's so goodluck with your application , cya

Message edited by FrozeN - Su, 2018 Aug 26, 3:24 PM
zofiDate: Su, 2018 Aug 26, 4:20 PM | Message # 3
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
2018 applicant biggrin

damn i saw you on discord already day il check you in game :P for now goodluck
Blaze_TugaDate: Sa, 2018 Sep 22, 10:46 PM | Message # 4
Veteran a/d ^spas Master
Group: cH Member
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
good luck
[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2018 Sep 23, 0:46 AM | Message # 5
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Quote zofi ()
2018 applicant

O My God, wow biggrin
AdzDate: Sa, 2018 Sep 29, 10:59 PM | Message # 6
cH Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 11
Status: Offline
You seem like a friendly guy.

Good luck cool
PapaiDate: Mo, 2019 Apr 08, 10:51 PM | Message # 7
cH DotA2 / SA:MP Legend
Group: Administrators
Messages: 85
Status: Offline
Still waiting?
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