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MTA Cups server
zofiDate: Mo, 2013 Jul 22, 10:17 AM | Message # 1
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
This topic contains all information about MTA Cups server, gamemode, and game configuration.

The server

The server is kindly provided by the biggest russian GTA portal - GTA.Ru and it's representative Bpb*>star-tR.Grateful to people who made this show possible.
The server name is GTA.Ru | MTA Cups Official HQ, it is available at mtasa://
It is now ready to accept players, just come with mates, do /vote arena [number] or /vote base [number] and have fun.

The gamemode

All A/D matches and tournaments in MTA was traditionally held on BaseMode and it's successor - A/D Aspect (both by [ANO]Mate_ aka Rhbk). MTA Cups won't be an exception, and today we are glad to introduce to you a new version of this gamemode - A/D Aspect 1.0.4 Fixed. Unfortunately, the last released version of Aspect contained some bugs and features which didn't let this gamemode to become widely used and popular. But we managed to solve this using the source code released by Mate_. The small list of changes below:

1) Corrupted anticheat, which was kicking players with clean gta3.img, was successfully removed.
2) The "blocking fire" feature in alternative c-bug mode was also removed, as well as "fastmove" feature enabled. This prevents blocking the third shot and the player model trying to crouch after the second shot with deagle. This is also removes the freeze animation after shooting with shotgun, returning full powers to these two guns.
3) Undocumented command responsible for choosing random bases revealed. It is now available as "/rbase".
4) More team logos and country flags uploaded, and more to be uploaded during the sign up for MTA Cups.

Download link
Official maps pack can be found here

1) Place this archive in "\deathmatch\resources" directory on your server.
2) Open acl.xml and add new acl group:

<acl name="aspect">
  <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.startResource" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.stopResource" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.callRemote" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.setPlayerMuted" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.kickPlayer" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.banPlayer" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.setServerConfigSetting" access="true"></right>
  <right name="function.getClientIP" access="true"></right>

And later add aspect to this group:

<group name="aspect">
     <acl name="aspect"></acl>
     <object name="resource.aspect"></object>

3) Restart the server and do "/start aspect"

Additional information about the gamemode and it's commands can be found here and there.

The config

The config contains all settings such as fpslimit, pinglimit, available vehicles, team's skins and colours. In order to add MTA Cups config to the gamemode download the mtacups.xml from the download link below, create a new folder named "aspect" in "\deathmatch\resources" directory on your server, and a subfolder named "cfg".
Then simply upload mtacups.cfg to this subfolder and restart aspect.

Download link

Some additional information about server settings to improve weapon sync: click here (by x[PK]xZeem) and the demonstration video below.

How To Fix "Fast Shot ,Cbug" iN MTA [mta1.3.2 / mtaserver.conf / Resources]

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