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ChiefDate: Tu, 2012 Dec 25, 11:49 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Status: Offline
Hello fellow earthlings! It is time to announce that STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC went Free 2 Play! YES, I repeat! F2P!. Soooooo grab your lightsabers and join me in this marvelous adventure in the new, open, massive star wars universe!

If you truly are interested then visit SWTOR official webpage and download the game! When you do that join me in the English PVE server "The Red Eclipse" to adventure together! Ofcourse join the dark side, because dark side = best side! We look cool and chicks dig bad boys dont they? Soooo if you want to be a chick magnet and participate in epic lightsaber battles with awesome swishing sounds, step right up and get the game!

EDIT: I've played it for about an hour or so and I can already tell that this game is disappointing. The controlling is very awkward and silly responsive. The graphics overall are shit. User interference is fully customisable so thats prolly the only good thing. There are alot of limits for F2P users, so I basically found out that its pay 2 win. I havent tried anything else like PVE or PVP because the terrible overall quality just keeps me off from playing. I am a star wars fan and I love mmo's, so I really wanted to try swtor. This game had so much potential, but as usual EA fucked shit up. Do not download it as this game is not worth our time. Sorry about the hype at the beginning, end of story.

Message edited by SvP - We, 2012 Dec 26, 0:40 AM
DonceDate: We, 2012 Dec 26, 11:22 PM | Message # 2
Universal Gamer
Group: cH Member
Messages: 228
Status: Offline
Do not download it as this game is not worth our time.
awwww so sad sad tik baigiau updatint
Trip[ABK]Date: Tu, 2013 Jan 08, 7:45 PM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 161
Status: Offline


its like a wack ass rip off of mass effect 2/3

ChiefDate: Tu, 2013 Jan 08, 10:51 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Status: Offline

its like a wack ass rip off of mass effect 2/3

Except that it has shitty controls and sucks major balls overall while mass effect trilogy is unbelievable.
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