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zofiDate: Su, 2012 Mar 11, 11:09 PM | Message # 1
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
some changes at gtat server cH gang..

The old list of ally changed..only ABK MOB BB OnB dont shoot..others kill.I think its good new, to JaGuAr surprised

[cH]vodkaDate: Mo, 2012 Mar 12, 1:36 PM | Message # 2
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Šita gera šove ;DD

SufferDate: Th, 2012 Mar 15, 11:29 AM | Message # 3
Group: Removed

whos playing GTAT- its good new :).
zofiDate: Su, 2012 Mar 25, 12:19 PM | Message # 4
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline

Hi everyone!

We noticed long time ago that mostly everyone is flaming & provoking in GTA:T (Media, Shoutbox, Server...) in English, but also in other languages.
Some already got warned, some got banned already. So we'll warn you now the last time to stop flaming.
I hope that everyone will stick to it, otherwise we'll have a lot of bans this season Wink.

If you got flamed just screen it, upload it and send us the Link in a Ticket.

From now on flamers will get banned for 1-2 weeks from Site and InGame (depending on flaming type) without any other warn!

GTA:T Team

Trip[ABK]Date: Mo, 2012 Mar 26, 4:57 AM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 161
Status: Offline
fuck gtat cool

zofiDate: Tu, 2012 May 08, 8:37 PM | Message # 6
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Database reset for past 2 Weeks


after we fixed the fake killing issue, I have to reset the result for the past 14 days.
I hope you understand this.
But I added 2 Weeks double respect for everything, so it should be easier to level again! Have fun guys!

cH gang click here enjoy ladz, peace!

- Regards Draco & [cH]zofija

zofiDate: Mo, 2012 Jul 09, 8:57 PM | Message # 7
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Hey there,

some updates at gtat cH gang ally & friends list..

[ABK][OnB][MOB][BB][SAE] have alliance with us.Dont shoot.!.

Basicly OnB, dead already ~6-9months or somethin they removed from list. SAE added.

keep it up. [cH] gang link here

zofiDate: Mo, 2012 Aug 27, 5:50 PM | Message # 8
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
some info about gtat:


The server + website have been attacked the entire weekend by some aggressive hackers.


Login problems fixed

The authentication with password was not possible on the main+world server.
It should work now properly again.


Kitaip tariant, vel veikia normalei viskas.

[cH]vodkaDate: Mo, 2012 Aug 27, 9:14 PM | Message # 9
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Quote (volkodav)
Kitaip tariant, vel veikia normalei viskas.

Tai zjbs -.-

zofiDate: Tu, 2012 Sep 18, 11:37 PM | Message # 10
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
New Season starts: soon!

Hello guys,

I am currently preparing all stuff for new season. Please be patient - an announcement will be made before the season starts.

- Draco


zofiDate: Sa, 2012 Sep 22, 10:48 PM | Message # 11
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Pinglimit fixed !


since yesterday the Pinglimit on EU Server is working again (Thanks to Luk_Ass). This Pinglimit will not get changed for now. All players which got Ping above 200 will have to Play on WORLD Server.
Also I want to remind you again that we are still looking for new Moderators on WORLD Server.

Apply here:

D3mo & zofi

zofiDate: We, 2012 Oct 24, 7:50 PM | Message # 12
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
GTA:T Season 11/12
Awards | Gangs

Most respected gangs

#1[RevS] Revellers Of Satan (7297230)
#2[TeK] TeaM eXtreme KiLLeRz (5485138)
#3[NSG] Nuclear Shooters Gang (5190112)
#4[PE] → Public Enemy ← (4234039)
#5[SNL] SHǾW NǾ LǾVE (3069504)
#6[BiA] Brothers in Arms (1958317)
#7[s7] Sigma seveN (1946660)
#8[HoT] Heroes of Terror ® since 2005 \m/ (1715831)
#9[c0w] Clan Of Winners (1539163)
#10[wEEd] Cannabis Flavour || -> JOIN <- (1526616)
#11[V8] Victorious Eight (1523687)
#12[Lv] Lethal Vengeance ~ ~ (1370930)
#13[AsL] Agression Skill League (1252712)
#14[uGp] u Got Pwn3D - (1185562)
#15[uL] Urban Legends (1028520)
#16[uMED] Yo Dawgz (965637)
#17[PTM] - Portuguese Mafia - Since January 2007 (895442)
#18[H] HoMieS (705172)
#19[BB] The Blood Brothers (585436)
#20[LAC] Lethal Alliance Crew - Since 2008 (496761)
#21[nK] Smile and Cry Join Us (485796)
#22[cH_] cuntHunters (466591)
#23[k2S] //Kill 2 Survive// - ~~Or die trying~~ (461762)
#24[vG] very Gatos =) || (453262)
#25[BTRH] Beree Topor Roobee Hardcore (451294)
#26[iX] Insanity ~ Xtreme ™ (426743)
#27[TgK] The Guardians Killers (386721)
#28[PDz] ︻┳═一 ProDestroyerZ ™ (383267)
#29[ISoA] IN SIN OF ANGEL (383023)
#30[PONY] Pink Ponies (370537)

GTA:T cH Gang List during 11/12 sesion:

zofija (Owner)Leader
JaGuAr_ Leader
Sharon Leader
MateukA_ Co-Leader
H0UM155 Co-Leader
Harpo Co-Leader
vodka Co-Leader
Murderdoll Co-Leader
Dzymka Full-Member
Blaze_Tuga Full-Member
Valera Full-Member
SvP Full-Member
Sufferrr8 Full-Member
Bemito Member
WayFar3R Member
sTarka Member
zakyrBR Rookie
.dejavu Rookie

Big to thanks to every, leaders, seniors, members, ally's [ABK][OnB][MOB][BB][SAE][OWN] & friends and ofcourse some ex cH.That sesion arent that super active there, like other sesions.About some oldest sesions u can find it in our old site.(click here)Gallery here

Already gtat closed, anyway im pretty sure most of us like others, missing "flamers paradise" - called GTA:T. cool



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