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CuboneDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 1:13 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 12
Status: Offline
1. Nickname: Cubone
2. Do you have a Dynamic IP? Yes
3. Your real name? Dominic/Sindri
4. Age: 18
5. Country/city in which you live in: Iceland
6. Family status: Not so good
7. Which of the following teams are you intrested in joining [CoD4,MTA,SA-MP,VC-MP] ? SA-MP
8. Whats your play style? Ninja
9. Are you a heterosexual? I am
10. Are you religious? No
11. Other games that you play: CoD4, LoL
12. What is your favorite alcohol? Rum, I'm a pirate.
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left:
NBK- Left it was dieing plus alot of hackers,
MOB- Kicked for hanging out with SAE,
BoD- Left didnt have time for gaming
PTM- Left, I quit samp
Lv- Was invited to Lv when the clan started when i never played,
REB- I created it 3 days ago, and well yeah didnt work out for me.
14. Are you addicted to anything. Smoking, drinking etc? Weed, cigarettes and drinking yeah
15. Cats or dogs? Dogs, got dogs.
16. Do you have access to a redtube account? Nope
17. Languages that you speak? Icelandic, English, A little bit Lithuanian
18. What have you accomplished in your life? Alot
19. What do you think of [cH]? Very nice and fun players, good teamwork and I know some of them from MOB back in the days.
20. Why you want to join our team? Well I havent found the right clan for me, this might be the one I was looking for. Plus I could use the training after I quit, I've got rusty.
21. Are you racist? Errr... no.
22. Can you supply us with erotic pictures of your mom? Ha-ha
23. Are you a quick learner? I am
24. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one? Yeah
25. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through ventrilo? No
26. Do you take gaming seriously or you play for fun? For fun
27. How can you be useful to us? I have no idea, that time will come and you will know
28. 2+2*2=? 8
29. Do you have a webcam? Somewhere I do
30. How did you find out about cH? Long time ago servers and stuff.
31. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games? No I dont
32. What kind of mods have you got installed in sa-mp at this moment? Weapon mods and sound mod.
33. Contact's [xFire, Skype, MSN]: xfire: bulletz0r, skype: sindri.fernandez, msn:
34. Skills:

-Video Editing:[?/10] 0.1

-Scripting:[?/10] 1.5

-GFX:[?/10] 0.1

35. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done: Errrrrrrrrr

+ Pacino told this clan was really good.

Message edited by Cubone - Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 9:05 PM
Trip[ABK]Date: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 5:06 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 161
Status: Offline
cubone cool

i know this nigga a lil bit from way back in mob... he a cool guy... g/l

FrozeNDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 9:23 AM | Message # 3
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline
good sense of humor

Sekmes biggrin
+1 from me
zofiDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 12:11 PM | Message # 4
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote (Cubone)
17. Languages that you speak? Icelandic, English, A little bit Lithuanian

I want too learn some shit about icelandic language

Quote (Cubone)
20. Why you want to join our team? Well I havent found the right clan for me

Can found the compromise, with period.

Quote (Cubone)
4. Age: 18

normal ..

Quote (Cubone)
8. Whats your play style? Ninja

i like it

[cH]GrandFatherDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 3:22 PM | Message # 5
JEG & cH Legend
Group: cH Member
Messages: 25
Status: Offline
Goodluck wink
CuboneDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 5:32 PM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 12
Status: Offline
Aciu visiems! biggrin
SufferDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 6:07 PM | Message # 7
Group: Removed

lool. i think, i know u. want to see ur skils smile good luck.
FrozeNDate: Sa, 2012 Feb 25, 11:47 PM | Message # 8
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline

Test member for 1 month Cubone_cH

Train hard be pro
zofiDate: Su, 2012 Feb 26, 0:48 AM | Message # 9
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote (FrozeN)

Oh sveikinu icelander,

old gamer in sa-mp, but new in cH.Welcome to cuntHunters

Quote (FrozeN)
Train hard

he's have a good start (1x5 fighting) but not much, i hope he can do it more per 1month period, with all weps aswell =) improve nd showed to us to self what u got it best

kantbless u,

CuboneDate: Su, 2012 Feb 26, 2:15 AM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 12
Status: Offline
Oooo guys thanks so much!!! biggrin I will pwn everyone 100vs me I win next month! Train hard doing it now ! Aciu visiems ! biggrin
SufferDate: Su, 2012 Feb 26, 12:42 PM | Message # 11
Group: Removed

little punk biggrin congrats. I will waching u. do anything wrong and u will suffer biggrin good luck for trainingz
[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2012 Feb 26, 5:33 PM | Message # 12
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
congrats man, jus biški kalbeti lietuviškai ? ;D

Message edited by HuNTer - Su, 2012 Feb 26, 5:38 PM
CuboneDate: Tu, 2012 Feb 28, 0:31 AM | Message # 13
Group: Users
Messages: 12
Status: Offline
Aciu, taip biggrin
NoLimiTDate: Tu, 2012 Feb 28, 10:38 PM | Message # 14
Group: Users
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
Congrats smile

Message edited by NoLimiT - Tu, 2012 Feb 28, 10:39 PM
zofiDate: Th, 2012 Mar 01, 1:53 PM | Message # 15
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline

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