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rastiq apliction
rastiqDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 8:02 PM | Message # 1
Warrior from Poland, cH Squad
Group: Friends
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
1. Nickname:rastiq
2. Your real name?Patryk
3. Age:16
4. Country/city in which you live in:szczecin poland
5. Family status:son
6. Pancakes or waffles?waffles
7. Whats your play style?attack de+shotgun or m4+shotgun
8. Are you heterosexual?yes
9. Are you religious? If yes what religion and why?no
10. Games that you play:csgo sometimes
11. Do you use headphones or speakers when playing games?yes
12. What is your favorite alcohol?i like bear voodka too is good
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left:NtC only one. Year playing with 1 clan
14. Are you addicted to anything. Smoking, drinking etc?smoking drinking
15. Cats or dogs?dog
16. What are polymers made of?Polymers are made up of many many molecules all strung together to form really long chains
17. Do you have access to a redtube account?no
18. Name all the languages that you speak:english polish
19. What have you accomplished in your life?girl friends and car
20. Do you have a Dynamic IP?no
21. What do you think of [cH]?good clan friendly people
22. Favorite game where u most experienced at this samp
23. Why you want to join our team?becouse i Search good clan and I would like yet better play in samp
24. Did Hitler do anything wrong? Hitler did much wrong things
25. Whats your favorite pornstar?Polish pornostar Natalia Starr
26. What is the name of the guy on 500Litas banknote?Vincas Kudirka
27. What is the first rule of Fight Club?
28. Are you racist?no
29. What does AK-47 stand for?Kalashnikov
30. Can you supply us with erotic pictures of your mom?no
31. Are you a quick learner?yes
32. How long did u use steam/xfire steam :3
33. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one?yes
34. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through teamspeak?no
35. How can you be useful to us?I do not know
36. What sort of music genre is your favorite?black rap
37. Who is your idol?CR7
38. 2+2*2=?6
39. How did you find out about cH?macho give my link to clan web
40. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games?no
41. Name people you know that are or were in our team: macho zofija trainer vodka
42. What happens to a cow when you give it antibiotics?i dont know
43. Are you okay with dedicating 1-2 hours per week for training sessions?yes
44. What time is most convenient for you to do training sessions?i can allways
45. Contact's [Steam ID]:
46. Your Steam Profile:1tap
47. Skills on a scale to 10:5

Video Editing:0
Graphics design:0
Audio editing:0

48. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done:i dont have
49. Full Specification of your computer:dell
50. Extra note[Your last chance to plead]:I would like join to cH and learn play good

zofiDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 8:59 PM | Message # 2
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote rastiq ()
27. What is the first rule of Fight Club?

never do not talk about fightclub

Quote rastiq ()
50. Extra note[Your last chance to plead]:I would like join to cH and learn play good

good to know

Quote rastiq ()
4. Country/city in which you live in:szczecin poland

siemka greetings from lithuania

Hello rastiq,

Thanks for application, appl arent that good how shold to be, but im sure youre cool gamer cool

download link:
Link to samp :

cH server :

HostName: cH =Nepisk_Ubaga 3=Cup~
Players: 5 / 37
Ping: 35
Mode: Attack-Defend v2.6 ®
Language: $

+ if u play gtat just join in cH gang too

about trainings u can found

info about ally
some gallery pics


MemberDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 9:05 PM | Message # 3
Lithuanian Freeroam Admin
Group: Blocked
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Goodluck! cool
[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 9:06 PM | Message # 4
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
what's your old nickname ?

Agart_Date: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 9:07 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 25
Status: Offline
Hello, thanks for applying for cH

I wish you best luck to join this clan, be active on steam,discord,teamspeak,server and always be online for cH training, there are always cH clan training so we will test you...

By the way, if CR7 is your idol , why are you addicted to smoking and drinking ? tongue

Anyways, best luck rastiq,
rastiqDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 9:38 PM | Message # 6
Warrior from Poland, cH Squad
Group: Friends
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
[cH]vodka i no have old nickname, Agart_ he is my idol i like watch tricks nad like smoking i playing in football 6years and year ago i start smoking

CenazeDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 9:49 PM | Message # 7
OldSkool cH Recruiter
Group: cH Member
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
be active play some with us. good luck polskkii.
[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 10:17 PM | Message # 8
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Goodluck man

rastiqDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 10:22 PM | Message # 9
Warrior from Poland, cH Squad
Group: Friends
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
Im nerd 24/7

TrainerDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 10:23 PM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Status: Offline
be active to test you ,Good Luck
rastiqDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 10:30 PM | Message # 11
Warrior from Poland, cH Squad
Group: Friends
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
No problemo amigo

3sixtyDate: Su, 2017 Apr 02, 10:47 PM | Message # 12
cH Squad GTAT A/D
Group: cH Member
Messages: 18
Status: Offline
gg wp= gl

Ka tu/?
xfir3xDate: Mo, 2017 Apr 03, 4:37 PM | Message # 13
SA-MP GTA:T cH Squad
Group: Friends
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
good luck
macho_Date: Tu, 2017 Apr 04, 6:51 AM | Message # 14
cH sampSquad
Group: Friends
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Good luck!

I just recorded a sample video in my room for you since you said you football :
zofiDate: Tu, 2017 Apr 04, 9:01 AM | Message # 15
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline

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