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DonceDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 10:41 AM | Message # 1
Universal Gamer
Group: cH Member
Messages: 228
Status: Offline
1. Nickname: Donce
2. Do you have a Dynamic IP? no
3. Your real name? Donatas
4. Age: 15
5. Country/city in which you live in: Lithuania/Siauliai
6. Family status: single
7. Which of the following teams are you intrested in joining [CoD4,MTA,SA-MP,VC-MP] ? SA-MP
8. Whats your play style? calm
9. Are you a heterosexual? yes
10. Are you religious? yes
11. Other games that you play: WoW,LoL
12. What is your favorite alcohol? i don't drink
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left: b5,[G_ROW] they all decayed
14. Are you addicted to anything. Smoking, drinking etc? no addiction
15. Cats or dogs? cats
16. Do you have access to a redtube account? no
17. Languages that you speak? English,Russian,Lithuanian
18. What have you accomplished in your life? earned first internet money
19. What do you think of [cH]? funny,skilled people
20. Why you want to join our team? to learn how to play better and have fun
21. Are you racist? no
22. Can you supply us with erotic pictures of your mom? no
23. Are you a quick learner? yes
24. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one? i have
25. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through ventrilo? i will have difficulties
26. Do you take gaming seriously or you play for fun? for fun
27. How can you be useful to us? atm no use
28. 2+2*2=6
29. Do you have a webcam? no
30. How did you find out about cH? from Dzymka
31. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games? no
32. What kind of mods have you got installed in sa-mp at this moment? no mods
33.What do u know of cH members? Nicknames: Dzymka 15 years old,friendly guy
34.What do u know about "Training Sesions"? usually on friday 17.00,saturday 18.00
35.Wich time for training sesions is good for you ? 18.00
36. Contact's [xFire, Skype, MSN]: xfire xtrsdonce,skype starun123
37.Post ESL profile:
38.Add cH members at ESL Wire Client: ok
39. Skills: -Video Editing:[4/10] -Scripting:[0/10] -GFX:[0/10]
40. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done: no videos

Message edited by Donce - Th, 2012 Oct 25, 10:45 AM
FrozeNDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 11:16 AM | Message # 2
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline
Quote (Donce)
19. What do you think of [cH]? funny,skilled people

So you think its group of ninja clown's?

Quote (Donce)
25. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through ventrilo? i will have difficulties

no ventrilo no cH
Quote (Donce)
34.What do u know about "Training Sesions"? usually on friday 17.00,saturday 18.00

badly informed

Quote (Donce)
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left: b5,[G_ROW] they all decayed

low english skills

average from all answers big - from me. I think we can do with this stunter same like with lottuf, and i guarantee he'll run away after week
DzymkaDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 11:58 AM | Message # 3
ex Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 184
Status: Offline
Donce , cool classmate and friend.
But here is doesn't matter you my friend or no .
As zofija says : future player .
I will train you biggrin
ofcourse from me +

Message edited by Dzymka - Th, 2012 Oct 25, 11:59 AM
jagu4rsDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 2:36 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
fresh meat. do u playing in ul, or other training servers ?

DonceDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 3:42 PM | Message # 5
Universal Gamer
Group: cH Member
Messages: 228
Status: Offline
Quote (jagu4rs)
fresh meat. do u playing in ul, or other training servers ?
other training servers
zofiDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 4:36 PM | Message # 6
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Hello Donce,

i saw him around, past month in training sesions, cH server,
he dont talk much - no flamish kant like others, that thing is important.Gangsta how [cH]Dzymka already posted.."future player", he showing skills everyday more and more improving..

Quote (FrozeN)
I think we can do with this stunter same like with lottuf

Well disagree, ofc who knows..hehe

Quote (Donce)
24. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one? i have

voice communications is too important, chilin time, trainings, matches..
Ventrillo info:
v3.0.8 ip: port: 3784
v3.0.8 ip: port: 3784

Quote (Donce)
17. Languages that you speak? English,Russian,Lithuanian

Russian good knowlage +
Lithuanian +
English - , dont worry

Quote (Donce)
32. What kind of mods have you got installed in sa-mp at this moment? no mods

And keep this clear.. cool

Quote (Donce)
34.What do u know about "Training Sesions"? usually on friday 17.00,saturday 18.00

about training sesions u can find here and here

Quote (Donce)
35.Wich time for training sesions is good for you ? 18.00

we will see..

Quote (Donce)
other training servers

with cbug, no-cbug all styles, dont stay at one cool

How every applicant first read here

any questions do in forums..

Susitvarkyk viska jei da ko nepadarei, susiek su [cH]Cjeet, pakalbek su [cH]FrozeN ventrile, tau duos daugiau info.

Nepisk_Ubaga ir niekad nespamink 17:00-19:00 zofkei. Ir bus okey biggrin haha

houmissDate: Th, 2012 Oct 25, 7:48 PM | Message # 7
ex Co-Leader of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 427
Status: Offline
shows promise. +
[cH]vodkaDate: Fr, 2012 Oct 26, 10:56 AM | Message # 8
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
gers šitas vaikis +

CjeetasDate: Sa, 2012 Oct 27, 9:25 AM | Message # 9
League of Legends, CS:GO: Alpha Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 335
Status: Offline
Quote (Donce)
11. Other games that you play: WoW,LoL

Dar viena VUOVERE :DD

zofiDate: Su, 2012 Oct 28, 11:33 AM | Message # 10
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Tu da gyvs?
Kazkaip pasigedau traininge.

[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2012 Oct 28, 1:26 PM | Message # 11
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Quote (|cH|Head-Admin)
Tu da gyvs?

Po velena užkastas ;D

DzymkaDate: Su, 2012 Oct 28, 6:03 PM | Message # 12
ex Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 184
Status: Offline
kažkoks neaktyvus savo temoj esi :/
zofiDate: Su, 2012 Oct 28, 8:16 PM | Message # 13
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
test member 5months, well done, stay more active lil bit,

kietc ans yr , neblogs sis vaikis cool


DonceDate: Mo, 2012 Oct 29, 4:14 PM | Message # 14
Universal Gamer
Group: cH Member
Messages: 228
Status: Offline
Aciu visiem,stengsius per 5 menesius igyti nauju igudziu.
[cH]vodkaDate: Mo, 2012 Oct 29, 5:02 PM | Message # 15
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline

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