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kunnasDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 2:09 PM | Message # 1
Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
1. Nickname:- Kunnas
2. Your real name?- Darius
3. Age: 20y
4. Country/city in which you live in:- I lived in Marijampole before i left Lithuania, now i live in Austria's capital city - Vienna :)
5. Family status:- Have a girlfriend
6. Pancakes or waffles?- Pancake's with waffles on top!
7. Whats your play style?- Helping my friends and showing no mercy for enemies!!
9. Are you religious? If yes what religion and why?- No, im more in to sience.
10. Games that you play:- Dota, WoW
11. Do you use headphones or speakers when playing games?- Yes i do
12. What is your favorite alcohol?- Beer obviously :D
13. Name any previous clans/gangs that you been a member of and explain why you left:- I was not really any calan's member before, this is first time :)
14. Are you addicted to anything. Smoking, drinking etc?- Sex only
15. Cats or dogs?- Catdog?
16. What are polymers made of?- Ummm... It's a molecules joined together
17. Do you have access to a redtube account?- No i dont
18. Name all the languages that you speak:- Lithuanian, English, German
19. What have you accomplished in your life?- Finished school... Well taht's something ;d
20. Do you have a Dynamic IP?- Yes
21. What do you think of [cH]?- I met few people from this clan and they seemed to be really fun!
22. Favorite game where u most experienced at this - Dota and Wow :)
23. Why you want to join our team?- To have fun!
24. Did Hitler do anything wrong?- Yes, he did.
25. Whats your favorite pornstar?- Alanah Rea
26. What is the name of the guy on 500Litas banknote?- Vincas Kudirka.
27. What is the first rule of Fight Club?- Dont fart!
28. Are you racist?- Just to poland's and abit russian's...
29. What does AK-47 stand for?- Andrei Kirilenko nr:47 and a gun for terrorists
30. Can you supply us with erotic pictures of your mom?- Not really, im far away from her now...
31. Are you a quick learner?- Well yes i am, sir
32. How long did u use steam/xfire:- I use steam about 2years.
33. Do you have microphone through which you can speak during CW? If not how much time will it take for you to get one?- I have one luckily
34. Will you have any difficulties in talking to us through teamspeak?- I shouldn't but there maybe when my girlfriend needs attention
35. How can you be useful to us?- I can play good^
36. What sort of music genre is your favorite?^- Rock, dubstep
37. Who is your idol?- Lebron James
38. 2+2*2=6
39. How did you find out about cH?- While playing dota with your clan members
40. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games?- No, but if its needed my hands wont shake to use one *^*
41. Name people you know that are or were in our team: Suffer, Jagis, Al Capone.
42. What happens to a cow when you give it antibiotics?- It turns blue!
43. Are you okay with dedicating 1-2 hours per week for training sessions?- Yes if its needed
44. What time is most convenient for you to do training sessions?- Tuesday's bout 20hr Lithuanian time.
45. Contact's [xFire,Steam ID]:STEAM_0:1:44566971
46. Your Steam Profile:
47. Skills on a scale to 10: 8

Video Editing:-Yep, im video editor
Programming:-Abit only
Graphics design:-I love woking with photoshop
Audio editing:-Only abit

48. Links to Vid's/Pic's/Scripts you've done:
49. Full Specification of your computer: acer laptop, 8gm ram, intel core i53210M cpu
50. Extra note[Your last chance to plead]: I like trains

SufferDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 2:16 PM | Message # 2
Group: Removed

nice app ":D:D:D.

his good guy, active.

big +

good luck
ZjeetusDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 3:49 PM | Message # 3
Group: Friends
Messages: 127
Status: Offline
Looks like good guy, nice application. Stick around.
DonceDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 3:57 PM | Message # 4
Universal Gamer
Group: cH Member
Messages: 228
Status: Offline
Hi smile
Quote kunnas ()
Are you racist?- Just to poland's and abit russian's...
I just want to know why ?
nice job with your AMW videos thumb
goodluck bro
jagu4rsDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 4:57 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
Geras zmogus, + from my

zofiDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 5:33 PM | Message # 6
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote kunnas ()
2. Your real name?- Darius
3. Age: 20y

Welcome Darius, to cH forums.

Quote kunnas ()
22. Favorite game where u most experienced at this - Dota and Wow :)

Quote kunnas ()
39. How did you find out about cH?- While playing dota with your clan members

Good to know, play some gaymez! thumb

Quote kunnas ()
28. Are you racist?- Just to poland's and abit russian's..

well, we have a lot of poland and russian, of the world countries friends (gang leaders, members etc), better forgot about racism or be burned per few secunds ! deal

Quote Suffer ()
his good guy, active.

Quote jagu4rs ()
Geras zmogus, + from my

Quote Zjeetus ()
Looks like good guy, nice application. Stick around.

surprised a bit, u shold be cool and super lucky guy

Quote Donce ()
nice job with your AMW videos

agreed Donce, some videos like it haha

read here, do it fast anything wut need for ya, as u can cool

post here your steam id/nick>
post here your youtube channel >
wanted to show your pc , enjoy fallow description post here
want to show/share somethin cool about you, create own topic

teamspeak mandatory while playing games, join there sometimes )

Goodluck !

jagu4rsDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 6:30 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
Nice videos, gal pries kokius 5 metus irgi kurdavai tokius?

FrozeNDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 7:16 PM | Message # 8
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline
Quote kunnas ()
11. Do you use headphones or speakers when playing games?- Yes i do

I didin't get this one

Quote kunnas ()
40. Do you tend to use cheating programs for games?- No, but if its needed my hands wont shake to use one *^*

Wut, we search fair players , you dont have even to think about cheating programs dude

- from me i dont think you are that person what we search
zofiDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 9:17 PM | Message # 9
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
FrozeN u wrong get it or this guy while answered on simple question.(btw next week gona upgrade some questions on appl, last years showed some peoples have no idea how to answer well, need it corections/edits)

plus already know him, i mean some of us ) that guy spend a lot of times with cH.There no problem with him cool i hope so in future too happy

anyway wow/dota2 gamer nice to meet u, i hope u are strong and no give up
there around 30 seniors, not that easy to get respect so fast :)that shit takes ages, special from FrozeN wwhahaha hands

iCov3rDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 10:53 PM | Message # 10
Group: Removed


Nice app, btw GL :))
SufferDate: Tu, 2014 Jan 14, 10:54 PM | Message # 11
Group: Removed

gg wp. nice mach
kunnasDate: We, 2014 Jan 15, 9:44 AM | Message # 12
Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Quote Donce ()
Are you racist?- Just to poland's and abit russian's...
I just want to know why ?

Well mostly cause of their inpolitness and leaving game matches (dota)

Added (2014 Jan 15, 9:43 AM)

Quote jagu4rs ()
Nice videos, gal pries kokius 5 metus irgi kurdavai tokius?


Added (2014 Jan 15, 9:44 AM)
And thenk you all for good words bout me! It means alot smile

CjeetasDate: We, 2014 Jan 15, 7:37 PM | Message # 13
League of Legends, CS:GO: Alpha Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 335
Status: Offline
Agree with frozen. But still goodluck,nice to see a man who playing World Of warcraft. Private server or global? smile All of cH said everything you need to know, I just can wish you a luck. Have fun. Peace.

kunnasDate: We, 2014 Jan 15, 8:45 PM | Message # 14
Senior of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Cjeetas, thanks smile

FrozeNDate: We, 2014 Jan 15, 10:49 PM | Message # 15
Legend of the cH
Group: Moderators
Messages: 563
Status: Offline
Thanks thanks thanks, shit those thanks, you want to our clan? answer this additional question special from frozen

Why do you want to cH? (around you a lot of clans where you can join.) What about your loyality?, (i dont want free words prove it.) How you can improve our clan? (if you cant just write close my app and thats all )

If you answer this question you have minimal chances to join us , if you dont answer in few day's app will be closed goodluck with that mission soldier
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