Clan name & tag: cH , cuntHunters
Clan forum:http://cunthunters.ucoz.com
Suggest a server to play at: HostName: .: Hardcore Militias A/D + TDM Server :.
Players: 0 / 27
Ping: 82
Mode: AADeathZone v3.1.1
Map: Lobby
Date & Time: March 2 time 5:00 PM GMT-0
Members count in each team: 4x4
Mode: (E.g: a/d, TDM, RW, etc...) A/D
Bugs included: (E.g: c-bug, 2shots, etc..)cbug
Rules:1 Spas/Sniper
- NO interiors
- NO vehicle bombs/ram
- NO knifes
- NO flaming and crying
- NO heal if you fall or explode
- NO readd if you die, no matter how
- C-bug and reload bug(switching weapons) are the only bugs allowed
- No cleo mods, no ped.ifp or other hacks/illegal programs
Rounds: 7
I quote this from FrozeN on our old website, to say that we have a new site now
Please register x)
Good luck.