Date:coming soon Time:coming soon Server: MrS USA (, uL (, or some United servers (1,2,3,4) Members per team: 5vs5 or 6vs6 Rounds: 4AAD + 1 Arena More info: Rules - Only C-BUG clanwar. - NO cheats. - Round time 10min. - Attack and defend the same base. - Each round teams are automatically swapped between attack and defend. - Weapon menu: 1 Sniper and 1 Spas-12 allowed per team. - CP Time: 25 seconds (1 on 1). - It is not allowed to pause on a checkpoint. - Players can request other players to fraps. - 5v5 minimum. - Max ping 360. - FPS Limit 30. - No driveby, heli-kill and car damage. - No map bug. - No slide bug. - No interiors.
Yo cH's, what about we do a nice match again? I hope you guys accept.... Regards, [MrS] clan