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zofiDate: Tu, 2014 Mar 11, 9:18 PM | Message # 1
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Clan tag :[xHoTx]- Heroes of Terror(since 2005)
Country :Poland
Date : 11 March 2014

Match : Official
SA-MP version: 0.3z

Game Mode: Premium A/D Air Beta
Result : 2:7
Server :

[cH] team : Zjeetus, Ziggy, zofija
[xHoTx] team : Bummer, Status, Patrio

Extra note: 8rounds a/d + 1arena.Random bases.Without cbug, with knife, no nades, skinshoot.There was good game, expront organise cw with our old friends from poland, xHoTx team, long time no played samp, first clanwar on 2014.Thanks who played.Some pretty close rounds.(screen here)

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