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=cH= Training Disccusions Public
SufferDate: Tu, 2013 Mar 26, 4:19 PM | Message # 106
Group: Removed

ne mano omni connect naudotis steamu... ;(
CjeetasDate: Tu, 2013 Mar 26, 4:28 PM | Message # 107
League of Legends, CS:GO: Alpha Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 335
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Bitch,get a new one. -_-

SufferDate: Tu, 2013 Mar 26, 4:55 PM | Message # 108
Group: Removed

tai blet nupirk ;DDD pasneki idomei biggrin
zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Mar 30, 0:40 AM | Message # 109
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
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[03-28/29] Dota 2 matches, cH team where showed up [Houmz, FrozeN, Cjeet, Dzymka, Riw + zofija].

Some fun wars 5v5, there was few of thems at dota2 already did cH team.Great teamwork, pretty cool moments togheter during matches, a lot of fun.Basicly played two teams :
[03-28] [FrozeN, Cjeet, Houmz, Riw, zofija]

Houmz played as Axe (side: botom)
FrozeN played as Bloodmother (side: botom)
Cjeet played as Warlock (side: top)
Riw played as Riki (side: top)
zofija played as Viper (side: mid)

& [03-29] [Cjeet, Houmz, Riw, Dzymka, zofija]

Cjeet played as Witch Doctor (side: botom)
Riw played as Riki (side: top/botom)
Houmz played as Earthshaker (side: botom)
Dzymka played as Storm Spirit (side: mid)
zofija played as Viper (side: top)

(full size here)

(full size here)

zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Mar 30, 9:55 PM | Message # 110
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
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[03-30] Dota 2 captain mode cH team training, cH team where showed up [JaGuAr, Houmz, Cjeet, Dzymka, Riw,Suffer, Donce, SvP, zofija].

Captain mode one of greatest things on dota2, teamwork, fun, a better knowlage about this game, also pretty cool moments togheter during the training sesions, a lot of fun.Some of you were new this time around (suffer, svp), and some of you have been at my side since the very beginning.No matter what you do or where you go from here, you will carry the memory of the history we made together.I will always be grateful for everything that you've done and all the incredible work that you've put in.cH never die alone !

some pics:

(teamspeak helpfull to team members aswell)

(full size here)

(captain mode cH team 4v4)

(full size here)

(all pick mode, cH team 3v3)

(full size here)

Thank to everyone !

houmissDate: Su, 2013 Mar 31, 4:06 AM | Message # 111
ex Co-Leader of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 427
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30/03/2013 CS:GO Competitive matches/Training [Riw, Donce, dzymka, Chief, Houms]

Match 1 Inferno:

Match 2 Nuke:

Match 3 Dust2:

Overall: Our individual performances are average they can be improved but its the team play that we struggle to compete in. We need to learn how to attack using flashes smokes decoys flanks and such. Same for defense. Tho some rounds we completely ruined the opponent teams. Had fun. Also everyone was on TS3 which has become a habit now. GG
RiwDate: Su, 2013 Mar 31, 3:08 PM | Message # 112
Group: Users
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Quote (houmiss)

houmissDate: Su, 2013 Mar 31, 4:51 PM | Message # 113
ex Co-Leader of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 427
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Quote (houmiss)
using flashes smokes decoys

YPAC TAU RIWAI =D. pameti decoyju man po kojom O TAIP TIKRAI NEZINOS KUR ESU DABAR. =D
zofiDate: Su, 2013 Mar 31, 11:13 PM | Message # 114
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
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[03-31] Dota 2 captains mode cH team training, cH team where showed up [JaGuAr, Houmz, FrozeN, Dzymka, Riw, Donce, SvP, zofija].

Riw, zofija, FrozeN, SvP vs Dzymka, JaGuAr, Donce, Houmz

Riw played as Luna
zofija played as Ursa
FrozeN played as BloodMother
SvP played as Juggernaut

Dzymka played as Spirit Storm
JaGuAr played as Jakiro
Houmz played as Earthshaker
Donce played as Kunkka

(full size here)

and public match, cH vs all, cH team [Houmz, SvP, Riw, Dzymka, zofija]

Houmz played as EarthShaker
Riw played as Riki
SvP played as Juggernaut
Dzymka played as Leshrac
zofija played as Viper

(full size here)

Multigaming week already nicely done, thanks to everyone who played togheter.Keep it up mates!

houmissDate: We, 2013 Apr 03, 9:25 PM | Message # 115
ex Co-Leader of The cH
Group: Friends
Messages: 427
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Quote (Riw)
TF2 Training #5
Time: 2013-04-06, 16:00 GMT+2
Full roster required.

Kaip Zofija sako nepisam_ubago. Susirenkam visi kurie jau isiraset i komanda, kurie neatvyksta gauna strike. 3 Strike - kick is komandos ir ieskom kitu labiau norinciu dalyvauti. Jeigu del rimtu priezasciu negalit rasot man i PM susitarsim kada eisim atskirai iki ateinancio trainingo. Tiek siam kartui, susitiksim traininge, peace.
zofiDate: We, 2013 Apr 03, 10:34 PM | Message # 116
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
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Messages: 2973
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Kur cia radai ?

RiwDate: Sa, 2013 Apr 06, 5:37 PM | Message # 117
Group: Users
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TF2 Training #5 2013-04-06
People who showed up: Chief, Riw, Donce, Dzymka, Suffer, zofija

Everyone did alright, was a fun training, just too short =/
zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Apr 06, 7:58 PM | Message # 118
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
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short or not, there was fun still cool

jagu4rsDate: Su, 2013 Apr 07, 1:46 AM | Message # 119
Group: Users
Messages: 821
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some epizodes from dota

zofiDate: Su, 2013 Apr 07, 8:58 AM | Message # 120
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
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Quote (jagu4rs)
some epizodes from dota

welldone cool
