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=cH= Training Disccusions Public
CjeetasDate: Fr, 2013 Sep 20, 2:19 PM | Message # 226
League of Legends, CS:GO: Alpha Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 335
Status: Offline
Ramiai chebra. Visi mes tokie buvom biggrin ar likom. Ateis laikas ir saudys is deaglo kaip su minigunu biggrin

zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Sep 21, 9:17 PM | Message # 227
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
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Messages: 2973
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer
[09-21] cH trainings.Team of cH where showed up [JaGuAr, vodka, Dzymka, Donce, Riw, Rpz, Al_Capone, zofija] + Areax

Randomized two teams.8rounds a/d + 1arena.With cbug, 1sniper,no spas per team.cH =FightClub= Attack-Defend v1.9.Pretty close match.Teamworks was good, nice tactics.




MvP Of The Match:

[cH]Dzymka 12Kills

Top 3 most damage :

[cH]Rpz - 2038
[cH]JaGuAr - 2031
[cH]Dzymka - 1875

another one leaders vs all.4rounds a/d, + 1arena.With cbug, 1sniper per team, no spas.cH =FightClub= Attack-Defend v1.9.There nothing to say, well played.




MvP Of The Match:

[cH]Dzymka 8Kills & [cH]zofija 8Kills

Top 3 most damage :

[cH]zofija - 1905
[cH]Dzymka - 1441
[cH]JaGuAr - 1227

And last one.Two teams randomized.5rounds only arenas.With cbug.Weapons pack for arenas.cH =FightClub= Attack-Defend v1.9.Fast and dominating JaGuAr squad biggrin gg




MvP Of The Match:

[cH]Dzymka 7Kills

Top 3 most damage :

[cH]Dzymka - 1549
[cH]zofija - 1193
[cH]JaGuAr - 1010

Thanks for nice moments there during training sesions togheter, well played ladz. love

[cH]vodkaDate: Sa, 2013 Sep 21, 9:26 PM | Message # 228
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
veiksmo, tai buva ;D

jagu4rsDate: Su, 2013 Sep 22, 12:36 PM | Message # 229
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
Vienas is geriausiu trainingu.

jagu4rsDate: Su, 2013 Sep 29, 2:44 AM | Message # 230
Group: Users
Messages: 821
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dota vs wow

CjeetasDate: Su, 2013 Sep 29, 2:45 AM | Message # 231
League of Legends, CS:GO: Alpha Squad
Group: cH Member
Messages: 335
Status: Offline
GG WP =D daug veiksmo ts'e buvo biggrin

iCov3rDate: Su, 2013 Sep 29, 11:31 AM | Message # 232
Group: Removed

Quote (Cjeetas)
daug veiksmo ts'e buvo

Jo =D
zofiDate: Su, 2013 Sep 29, 11:34 AM | Message # 233
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote (Cjeetas)

cool screens cj wink

[cH]vodkaDate: Su, 2013 Sep 29, 1:27 PM | Message # 234
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
GG slapukai tie woweriai :DDDD

zofiDate: Fr, 2013 Oct 04, 8:47 PM | Message # 235
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer
[10-04] Private Training for Allys.Team of cH where showed up [vodka, Dzymka, Donce, Riw, Rpz, Al_Capone, zofija] + Team of ABK where showed up [Trip, CrazyDevil, bL_, SpieR, Rhasta, Cubone, Skip420, Aross] + Team of MOB [Sleepy, TheCriminal].

8rounds a/d + 1arena.With cbug, no sniper,no spas per team first 4rounds, in next half of training, weps limit changed to 1spas, 1sniper per team.cH =FightClub= AADeathZone v3.1.4.Epic moments there during rounds, fun shit ladz, ty to every who showed up.Not first and not last event with ally's.

pics of the training >>

(full size here)

(full size here)

(full size here)

(full size here)

[cH]vodkaDate: Fr, 2013 Oct 04, 8:53 PM | Message # 236
GTA:T Veteran
Group: cH Member
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
kaip ir visa laik su ABK nice training buna cool

jagu4rsDate: Sa, 2013 Oct 05, 7:08 PM | Message # 237
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
tested premium air gamemode

zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Oct 05, 7:37 PM | Message # 238
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
Quote jagu4rs ()
tested premium air gamemode

works fine?

jagu4rsDate: Sa, 2013 Oct 05, 8:41 PM | Message # 239
Group: Users
Messages: 821
Status: Offline
pakolkas jo,,, ce 5 versija, gal istaise ta buga kai kartais weapon limitai neveikdavo

zofiDate: Su, 2013 Oct 20, 8:39 AM | Message # 240
ஜ ۩Global Admin۩ ஜ
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
Status: Offline
[10-19] Captain mode.cH team where showed up [JaGuAr, Cjeet, Suffer, Riw, Dzymka, Donce, Al_Capone, Rpz, zofija].

Some fun shit there, high level matches at captain mode.Two matches cH vs cH.Great tactics (smoke, dust, wards, brilliant hardcore matches, like this shold be played all matches).All on ts.

[cH]Dzymka played as Outworld Devourer
[cH]Donce played as Vengefull Spirit
[cH]Al_Capone played as Nyx Assassin
[cH]Cjeet played as Warlock
[cH]JaGuAr played as Crystal Maiden


[cH]Suffer played as Viper
[cH]Riw played as Shadow Fiend
[cH]Rpz played as Quen of Pain
[cH]zofija played as Spirit Breaker

[cH]Dzymka played as Beastmaster
[cH]Donce played as Silencer
[cH]JaGuAr played as Crystal Maiden
[cH]Rpz played as Bloodseeker


[cH]Riw played as Tusk
[cH]Suffer played as Viper
[cH]Al_Capone played as Spirit Breaker
[cH]zofija played as Dark Seer

Thanks who played togheter, gg wp. cool
