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jagu4rsDate: Mo, 2013 Sep 02, 2:37 PM | Message # 91
Group: Users
Messages: 821
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Prameiguojau biski

zofiDate: Mo, 2013 Sep 02, 8:26 PM | Message # 92
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Quote (jagu4rs)
Prameiguojau biski

A buva ? cool

zofi as SandKing represent one of best matches called
" zofi returns at dota2", brilliant teamwork, exelent tactics (enemy team destroyed all towers, more powerfull than our four warriors team)found choise how to win, def > kill > push > def > kill >push > def> more and more every single time repeat this, with amazing discipline no feeding, later.. 4v5 no shit sherlock, my team no give up! its like stand your ground and fight! btw i was leading cool pretty hard one heh the end shows who laughs last biggrin

RiwDate: Mo, 2013 Sep 02, 8:28 PM | Message # 93
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Quote (|cH|zofija)
zofi as SandKing

Blink dagger? Overall, great game!
zofiDate: Mo, 2013 Sep 02, 11:35 PM | Message # 94
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Quote (Riw)
Blink dagger?

nah cool

Newest video Killing Floor cH

jagu4rsDate: Tu, 2013 Sep 03, 1:37 AM | Message # 95
Group: Users
Messages: 821
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biggrin suffer n jaguar spazlendija
P.S. zofijos favorite weapon pistols biggrin

zofiDate: Th, 2013 Sep 05, 7:45 PM | Message # 96
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Quote (jagu4rs)
P.S. zofijos favorite weapon pistols

no moneyz for better weps biggrin

jagu4rsDate: Th, 2013 Sep 05, 11:40 PM | Message # 97
Group: Users
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Aisku nebutum ipirkes spazo, bet isbandes kitus ginklus atrastum neblogu variantu

zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Sep 07, 5:04 PM | Message # 98
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zofi as EarthShaker evening adventures biggrin block creeps

zofiDate: Sa, 2013 Sep 07, 6:50 PM | Message # 99
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Quote (|cH|zofija)
EarthShaker evening adventures

feat [cH]Rpz

iCov3rDate: Sa, 2013 Sep 07, 7:05 PM | Message # 100
Group: Removed

Geras matchas buvo, tik si kart nepavyko daug creepu uzblokuot, tai ne kas gavosi, bet isplesem pergale, ir laimejom.
zofiDate: Su, 2013 Sep 08, 4:08 PM | Message # 101
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Messages: 2973
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Captain mode: full team feat [cH]Suffer, [cH]Riw, [cH]Al_Capone, [cH]Rpz, [cH]zofija

way better mode than any others, few seconds for select a hero for your teammates or ban hero (if you are captain), there need more experience, not much played on this mode but like it so much !and i hope so, we gona play there )specialy times as full team

haha most of our matches start like this, 40-43s two kills, its like "HEY NICE TO MEET U GUYS "GL HF" biggrin

zofiDate: Su, 2013 Sep 08, 6:34 PM | Message # 102
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mode: Single Draft, during one of interesed matches on dota2 feat [cH]Suffer, [cH]Al_Capone, [cH]zofi + [thm] squad vs all

brilliant teamwork, some impresive moments cool

MvP of The Match:

[cH]Al_Capone as Bloodseeker 33kills 1 death, 175 lasthit, 30denies, pretty good gameplay

well about denies, we shold to do more, its important cool

SufferDate: Su, 2013 Sep 08, 6:38 PM | Message # 103
Group: Removed

it was awesome biggrin
jagu4rsDate: Su, 2013 Sep 08, 6:54 PM | Message # 104
Group: Users
Messages: 821
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not bad, spectatinau, caponelis viens pats teamvaipus dare biggrin
p.s. zofi first time with elder titan ?

zofiDate: Su, 2013 Sep 08, 7:04 PM | Message # 105
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Group: Administrators
Messages: 2973
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Quote (jagu4rs)
p.s. zofi first time with elder titan ?

yeah kietc hero, assist 22 , taip ir tu 22 nepavyka daugeu pasimt fragu nei 1 biggrin
